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Updated: 4/17/2023

DevOps is no longer just a buzzword; the philosophy has evolved to become a true differentiator, and will likely become an expectation in the years to come.

With this philosophy so widely accepted, organizations are now pivoting to optimizing efficiency in their DevOps teams and processes. It is predicted that, in 2023, the business value of DevOps will overtake speed as a favored metric.1

Because of this, companies will be looking to automate their operations further and adopt the cloud. However, there is a shortage of talent in the U.S., especially that of engineering and IT.
Also, DevOps is more about people and culture than tools and tech. Finding employees who are just the right balance of technical expertise and excellent soft skills is increasingly difficult.

With all of this in mind, many companies are looking to outsource DevOps. Softjourn has over a decade of experience of offering DevOps support to its clients, with 10 completed projects in the books.

What is DevOps?

DevOps may seem mysterious, but its main tenets include communication, collaboration, and automation.

What is DevOps?

The hard part about incorporating DevOps is that it’s not one tool, process, or even job title. DevOps is a philosophy that requires a shift in thinking, and in culture. While DevOps as a concept has been around since 2009, there isn’t a single, formal definition. Everyone has their own way of understanding and using DevOps. 

Perhaps the most succinct definition yet is from Len Bass, Ingo Weber, and Liming Zhu, three computer science researchers from the CSIRO and Software Engineering Institute:

A set of practices intended to reduce the time between committing a change to a system and the change being placed into normal production, while ensuring high quality.

There are five main principles to DevOps:

  • Customer focused: Companies use DevOps to continually expand their products and services in a way that adds value to their business and meets their customers’ needs.
  • End-to-end responsibility: A DevOps team is responsible for supplying clients with high-quality products and full support until the product’s end date.
  • Continuous optimization: Continuous integration and continuous delivery, or CI/CD, minimizes development time and cost.
  • Automation is key: Without automation, there is no DevOps. Automation improves the efficiency of software development.
  • Teamwork: DevOps teams need to collaborate and communicate at a more nuanced level; after all, the whole notion of DevOps was to break IT development and IT operations teams out of their silos and get them working more closely together! 

Still, there’s no set formula for “doing” DevOps; so how do you get started?

One way is by collaborating with a company that offers DevOps support. These providers are already well-acquainted with DevOps as a philosophy and as a practice, and can provide mentorship and assistance for your in-house teams to get the ball rolling on a culture change. 

DevOps outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular as companies recognize the benefits of implementing DevOps practices while leveraging external expertise and resources. DevOps, a combination of development and operations, focuses on streamlining software development processes, improving collaboration, and delivering high-quality products faster. By outsourcing their DevOps functions, companies can tap into a global talent pool and access specialized skills that may not be available in-house.

DevOps is crucial for businesses looking to stay competitive in today's fast-paced digital landscape. It enables organizations to improve speed to market, increase productivity, foster innovation, enhance customer relevance, and elevate service quality.

The global DevOps market is projected to reach $26 billion by 2027, highlighting the growing importance of DevOps in driving business growth and success.

DevOps roles and responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks and skills. These include providing support for the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, coordinating between the development and operations teams, conducting vulnerability

Outsourcing DevOps Brings Numerous Advantages to Companies.

One of the key benefits is access to a global talent pool. By partnering with specialized DevOps service providers, businesses can tap into a diverse range of skills and expertise.

Outsourcing also allows for shorter development cycles, enabling faster time to market for products and services. Companies can achieve cost-efficiency through outsourcing, as they can scale their DevOps resources as needed, without the costs associated with maintaining an in-house team.

Furthermore, outsourcing can lead to higher quality and flexibility, as specialized DevOps providers bring extensive knowledge and experience to the table. Finally, outsourcing DevOps helps companies better manage risks associated with software development and operations.

When starting with DevOps outsourcing, companies should conduct a thorough analysis of their requirements and choose a reliable partner. It is crucial to define the scope of work, establish key performance indicators (KPIs), and set up effective communication channels. By implementing these steps, companies can maximize the benefits of DevOps outsourcing and achieve successful outcomes.

"DevOps is not just a set of tools, but a cultural shift that drives collaboration, continuous learning, and improvement. It enables organizations to deliver value to customers at a faster pace while maintaining high-quality standards." - Bogdan Mykhalovych, Softjourn Technical Director and Engineering Manager.

Embracing the Power of DevOps

Companies that embrace DevOps solutions can unlock the full potential of their software development processes. By bringing together cross-functional teams, organizations can foster a culture of collaboration and establish effective communication channels. DevOps experts offer valuable insights and guidance throughout the software development lifecycle, ensuring that all aspects of the process are aligned towards business growth and success.

In conclusion, DevOps solutions are becoming increasingly essential for businesses looking to drive growth and stay competitive. By enabling continuous improvement, collaboration, and faster software delivery, DevOps experts help organizations stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving market. Embracing the power of DevOps is not just a trend, but a necessity for companies looking to thrive in the digital age.

DevOps Roles and Responsibilities

DevOps roles encompass a wide range of responsibilities that contribute to the successful implementation and maintenance of DevOps practices within an organization. These roles are crucial for ensuring the seamless integration of development and operations teams, as well as the efficient management of software delivery pipelines.

Here are some key responsibilities that DevOps professionals typically undertake:

1. Collaboration and Communication: DevOps professionals are instrumental in fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration among development, operations, and other organizational stakeholders. They facilitate discussions, meetings, and forums to ensure alignment across teams regarding project goals, statuses, and operational issues.

2. Integration and Deployment: They are responsible for implementing and optimizing Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, ensuring a consistent and reliable software delivery process. Automation of deployment processes is a key aspect, reducing the time it takes to move from development to production.

3. Configuration Management: Managing and documenting configurations across all environments is crucial to ensure consistency and traceability. Automation of configuration processes is also pursued to eliminate manual errors and expedite delivery.

4. Monitoring and Logging: Setting up and maintaining monitoring, logging, and alerting systems are essential responsibilities to ensure the health, performance, and security of applications and infrastructure. Analyzing logs and metrics to identify issues or areas for improvement is also part of the role.

5. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Utilizing tools and practices like Infrastructure as Code, DevOps professionals manage and provision infrastructure through code, ensuring repeatability, consistency, and scalability of infrastructure resources.

6. Testing and Quality Assurance: Incorporation of automated testing in the CI/CD pipeline is key to ensuring software quality. Collaboration with QA teams to adhere to rigorous testing protocols and standards is also essential.

7. Performance Tuning and Optimization: Analyzing system performance to recommend improvements and optimizing applications and infrastructure for maximum speed, scalability, and reliability are vital responsibilities.

8. Security and Compliance: Integrating security into every part of the development and operational processes and maintaining compliance with industry standards and organizational policies are crucial aspects of the DevOps role.

9. Problem-Solving and Incident Management: Leading incident management and root cause analysis processes, and developing and maintaining documentation for troubleshooting and incident response procedures are critical for addressing and preventing issues.

10. Learning and Development: Staying updated on emerging technologies, tools, and best practices in the DevOps space, and encouraging a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the team are important for the evolution and success of DevOps practices.

11. Resource and Cost Optimization: Monitoring resource usage and optimizing costs by ensuring efficient utilization of cloud resources and other infrastructure components is essential for managing budget and resources effectively.

These responsibilities highlight the multifaceted nature of DevOps, which requires a combination of technical skills, communication abilities, and a strong focus on collaboration. By effectively managing these roles, organizations can drive innovation, streamline processes, and achieve faster and more reliable software delivery.

Improved Efficiency with DevOps Consulting

Partnering with a trusted DevOps consulting firm is instrumental in optimizing these roles and responsibilities. By leveraging the expertise of experienced professionals, organizations can enhance their DevOps practices and align them with their specific business objectives.

"DevOps consulting firms bring in-depth knowledge and understanding of DevOps principles and best practices. They provide valuable insights, strategic guidance, and implementation support, helping organizations improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and accelerate time to market."

Through comprehensive assessments, a DevOps consulting firm can identify areas for improvement and develop customized strategies and roadmaps. They can help organizations establish efficient workflows, implement automated testing and deployment processes, and foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. By leveraging the expertise of outsourced DevOps engineers, organizations can achieve better results with fewer resources, ultimately driving growth and success.

Built for Communication

As with any outsourcing service, a DevOps provider can adjust to your needs and specifications. Companies that focus on DevOps understand the challenges to overcome in implementing DevOps.

“Getting up to speed can be seen as one of the bigger challenges,” Bogdan Mykhalovych, Softjourn Technical Director and Engineering Manager, said. “But as a third-party services provider, we have experience with many different types of projects. This helps us jump into a new project, by matching it with previous experience."

“In addition to that, communication is very important. Good communication is part of Softjourn’s culture; our processes are built to encourage it. We use a number of tools to track everything, such as Asana, Redmine, Google Chat, Slack, etc. The idea is to provide channels for people to talk, to encourage communication.”

DevOps providers can also supply the right engineer for the right project. Engineers that are exposed to many different kinds of projects are familiar with understanding the nuances of different issues, and how to best tackle them.

“We have mentorship for new hires, and Softjourn focuses on providing interesting projects for our employees to keep them inspired,” said Bogdan. “We pride ourselves on finding the right skills and experience to match each project.”

DevOps is built from a cycle of continuous feedback and continuous integration.

DevOps is built from a cycle of continuous feedback and continuous integration.

Advantages of DevOps Outsourcing

In the dynamic world of software development, the adoption of DevOps practices has been instrumental in bridging the gap between development and operations, thereby streamlining processes and enhancing product delivery timelines. One of the emerging trends that have garnered attention in the DevOps space is DevOps outsourcing. This involves collaborating with external service providers for managing DevOps practices and processes. The allure of DevOps outsourcing stems from its numerous advantages which have been propelling businesses toward operational excellence and reduced overheads. Let's dive into the significant benefits of embracing DevOps outsourcing.

  1. Cost Efficiency:

    • Advantage: DevOps outsourcing is a viable option for organizations looking to optimize operational costs. It alleviates the financial burden associated with recruiting, training, and maintaining an in-house DevOps team. The cost savings extend to infrastructure and tooling expenses, which are borne by the service provider.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Hidden Costs: Unexpected or hidden costs such as legal fees, transition costs, or penalties for services falling below agreed standards may arise, which could erode the initial cost savings.
  2. Access to Expertise:

    • Advantage: Outsourcing partners usually have a pool of skilled DevOps professionals with a broad spectrum of experience across various tools, technologies, and industry domains. This expertise is invaluable in navigating the complexities of DevOps implementation and ensuring the deployment of best practices.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Misalignment: Misalignment in understanding project requirements or differing quality standards between the organization and the outsourcing partner may occur, which could affect project outcomes.
  3. Focus on Core Competencies:

    • Advantage: By outsourcing DevOps activities, organizations can redirect their focus towards their core competencies and business objectives. This ensures that the internal teams are not sidetracked by operational intricacies and can prioritize strategic initiatives.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Loss of Control: Outsourcing might lead to a loss of control over certain aspects of the project, which could be uncomfortable for some organizations.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility:

    • Advantage: DevOps outsourcing offers a scalable and flexible model to accommodate the ebb and flow of business demands. It allows organizations to scale operations up or down without the hassle of hiring or laying off in-house staff.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Integration Issues: Scalable solutions provided by the outsourcing partner might have integration issues with the existing systems of the organization, leading to inefficiencies or disruptions in the workflow.
  5. Faster Time-to-Market:

    • Advantage: With a dedicated external team managing the DevOps pipeline, organizations can accelerate the software delivery process. This leads to quicker releases and faster time-to-market, which is crucial in today’s competitive landscape.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Quality Compromise: Speeding up the delivery process might lead to compromises in quality if not managed properly, which could affect the brand reputation and customer satisfaction.
  6. Continuous Improvement and Innovation:

    • Advantage: Outsourcing partners are often at the forefront of adopting the latest technologies and methodologies. They foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation which can be beneficial in enhancing the DevOps practices of the hiring organization.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Over-Reliance on Outsourcing Partner: There could be a risk of becoming overly reliant on the outsourcing partner for continuous improvements and innovation, which could stifle internal innovation.
  7. Risk Mitigation:

    • Advantage: Experienced outsourcing partners have well-established processes and frameworks in place to manage risks associated with compliance, security, and operational downtimes. Their expertise in risk management ensures a more stable and secure operational framework.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Security Risks: Outsourcing might expose the organization to security risks, especially if the outsourcing partner has access to sensitive or critical systems and data.
  8. Knowledge Transfer:

    • Advantage: Engaging with skilled outsourcing partners can also serve as a learning opportunity for in-house teams. The knowledge transfer that occurs during this engagement can be instrumental in building internal capabilities and understanding of DevOps best practices.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Inadequate Transfer: There could be difficulties in knowledge transfer, or the transfer might be inadequate for the in-house team to take over if needed, which could affect long-term sustainability.
  9. Enhanced Collaboration:

    • Advantage: Outsourcing partners can help instill a culture of collaboration and communication across the development and operations teams, which is the cornerstone of successful DevOps implementation.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Cultural Misfit: Cultural differences between the organization and the outsourcing partner might hinder effective collaboration, affecting project dynamics and outcomes.
  10. Quality Assurance:

    • Advantage: Lastly, DevOps outsourcing firms usually have stringent quality assurance processes in place to ensure the delivery of high-quality software. This focus on quality transcends through the development lifecycle ensuring fewer bugs, lower rollback rates, and improved customer satisfaction.
    • Possible Pitfalls: Varying Standards: The outsourcing partner might have different quality assurance standards, which could lead to a mismatch in expectations and actual delivery quality.

Nuanced Understanding

Another issue outsourced DevOps can solve is finding talent needed for specific parts of a project. Say you only need to assure a 24-hour response to any issues that arise from a production application, instead of a full team helping with every aspect of development. Understanding how that one area fits into the overall CI/CD process is important to keep all wheels turning productively.

Having a deep understanding of automation and where processes can be optimized helps the DevOps team as a whole be more productive.

“In my opinion, the hardest part is forcing yourself to automate as much as possible,” said Victor Kakhnych, Softjourn DevOps Engineer. “Manual actions introduce mistakes. With automation, services can be scaled faster."

“In addition, services can’t be restored quickly if steps are not automated. Customers can be frustrated when they see issues that were believed to have been previously fixed reappear, and this of course impacts the business’ bottom line and reputation.”

A DevOps provider can offer around the clock and geographical coverage to ensure a service is up and running 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This alleviates an organization from needing to staff at odd hours, which is problematic not just because work-life balance is in high demand from many workers today, but also to ensure that workers are properly rested and in the best mental state to tackle issues as they arise.

“The ability to think, analyze, and search are the most important when it comes to implementing a DevOps mentality,” said Victor. “These skills can’t always be taught, but instead require the right kind of mind.”

As a company with U.S. employees and R&D centers in the Ukraine and Poland, Softjourn understands how to connect and manage a diverse team. Proactivity, communication, and purposeful collaboration are all required to get a remote team working in harmony.

Cloud Deployment and DevOps

DevOps as a Service (DaaS) is a delivery model that stores all tools in a cloud platform to ensure developers are using a common toolset and that all actions are tracked.

With DaaS, all of a project’s tools can automate deployment cycles across the software delivery infrastructure. Engineers can supervise the whole process from beginning to finish and can access the systems and tools needed for the project easily. This makes the overall product development convenient and fast. 

Benefits of DaaS include:

  • Data-driven documentation and quality control: Teams respond quickly to the right issues at the right times.
  • Keep in-house processes: Offload varied units of a project for more convenient collaboration and faster turnaround.
  • Easier collaboration: Since tools are accessible to all in the cloud platform, teamwork is encouraged and streamlined because everyone’s playing on the same field.
  • Experienced talent in moments: Engineers familiar with DevOps processes can provide their expertise immediately, and even offer mentorship for an in-house IT department to learn new tools and systems.
  • Simplified information flow: With the cloud, team members can focus on their role without having to worry about the entire toolchain. Everyone knows their jobs, and can perform them.
  • Faster testing and deployment: With cloud services, release frequency increases and new features and functionality get in front of your customers faster.

DaaS can make deployment faster and provide an organization with better flexibility for developing new business process applications.

Reduce Cloud Expenses With FinOps

FinOps, a pivotal framework for reducing cloud expenses, is the go-to solution for organizations seeking to manage their cloud infrastructure efficiently.

By leveraging FinOps consulting services, businesses can gain a competitive edge in controlling their cloud costs. These services offer expert guidance and tools to monitor, analyze, and optimize cloud spending, ensuring that resources are utilized effectively.

FinOps consulting services provide valuable insights into cost allocation, usage patterns, and opportunities for cost reduction, ultimately helping businesses make informed decisions that lead to significant savings. 

Key Considerations for Starting DevOps Outsourcing

Embarking on a DevOps outsourcing journey requires meticulous analysis and strategic planning to ensure the collaboration yields the desired outcomes. Here are key considerations that organizations should factor in before starting DevOps outsourcing, along with actionable steps for each:

1. Defining Objectives:

Consideration: Have clear objectives for what you want to achieve through DevOps outsourcing. Whether accelerating time-to-market, improving operational efficiency, or reducing costs, having well-defined goals will guide the outsourcing strategy.

Action Item: Draft a document outlining your specific objectives, measurable outcomes, and the timeline for achieving these goals.

2. Selecting the Right Partner:

Consideration: Choose an outsourcing partner with proven expertise and a good track record in DevOps practices. Assess their experience, technical capabilities, and the industries they have served to ensure they fit your needs well.

Action Item: Create a checklist or scorecard to evaluate potential outsourcing partners against your critical criteria. (we will include the checklist at the end of this article.)

3. Communication and Collaboration:

Consideration: Establish effective communication channels to ensure seamless collaboration. Understand the communication protocols of the outsourcing partner and ensure that they align with your organization's practices.

Action Item: Make sure they schedule regular sync-up meetings and establish clear communication channels, such as dedicated Slack channels, email distribution lists, or other comfortable-for-you channels.

4. Service Level Agreements (SLAs):

Consideration: Define clear Service Level Agreements to set expectations regarding deliverables' quality, performance, and timeliness. SLAs provide a basis for accountability and performance measurement.

Action Item: Ensure to receive SLAs and have them reviewed and agreed upon by both parties before commencing the engagement.

5. Cost Analysis:

Consideration: Conduct a thorough cost analysis to understand the financial implications of outsourcing. This should include an evaluation of the total cost of ownership, including hidden and unexpected expenses.

Action Item: Develop a comprehensive financial model or budget that accounts for all costs associated with the outsourcing engagement.

6. Knowledge Transfer:

Consideration: Plan for knowledge transfer to ensure that your in-house team can take over or manage the processes if needed in the future. This is crucial for maintaining and upgrading the system.

Action Item: Ensure providers create a knowledge transfer plan and schedule training sessions for in-house teams.

7. Cultural Fit:

Consideration: Evaluate the cultural compatibility between your organization and the outsourcing partner. A good cultural fit can enhance collaboration and contribute to the success of the outsourcing relationship.

Action Item: Suggest organizing joint team-building activities or other activity sessions(online) and cultural exchange sessions to foster an excellent cultural fit.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Consideration: Have mechanisms to continuously monitor and evaluate the outsourcing partner's performance. Regular reviews and feedback loops are essential for ensuring continuous improvement.

Action Item: Establish performance metrics(OKRs or KPIs), monitoring systems, and schedule regular review meetings.

9. Exit Strategy:

Consideration: Develop a clear exit strategy to manage the transition if you decide to end the outsourcing relationship or switch to a different service provider. This should include data transfer, knowledge transfer, and transition of services.

Action Item: Draft an exit strategy document outlining the steps, responsibilities, and timelines for a smooth transition.

10. Continuous Improvement:

Consideration: Foster a culture of continuous improvement with the outsourcing partner. Encourage sharing best practices and learning to drive ongoing optimization of the DevOps processes.

Action Item: Ensure your provider suggests initiating regular improvement brainstorming sessions and creating channels for sharing feedback and best practices.

11. Legal and Contractual Clarity:

Consideration: Ensure legal and contractual clarity on all aspects of the outsourcing arrangement to prevent disputes and ensure a smooth collaboration.

Action Item: Have legal counsel review the contract and other legal documents to ensure clarity and mutual understanding on all terms.

Organizations can lay a solid foundation for a successful DevOps outsourcing partnership by considering these aspects and actioning the associated steps. The proper preparation and a well-thought-out strategy can significantly contribute to achieving the desired objectives and reaping the benefits of DevOps outsourcing.

Leveraging the Expertise of Outsourced DevOps Engineers

Partnering with outsourced DevOps engineers allows organizations to leverage their specialized knowledge and experience, leading to improved efficiency and innovation. These experts are well-versed in the latest tools, technologies, and best practices in the DevOps domain, enabling them to effectively streamline the software development and delivery process.

One of the key advantages of working with outsourced DevOps engineers is their ability to optimize the CI/CD pipeline. They have experience in setting up and managing automated workflows that facilitate continuous integration, testing, and deployment, ensuring faster and more reliable software releases. By implementing robust CI/CD processes, organizations can accelerate time-to-market, reduce development cycles, and improve overall productivity.

Additionally, outsourced DevOps engineers bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the table. They have worked with a variety of clients and projects, gaining valuable insights and problem-solving skills along the way. This enables them to identify bottlenecks, suggest process improvements, and implement innovative solutions to drive continuous improvement and enhance business outcomes.

Checklist for Selecting a DevOps Outsourcing Partner

Selecting the right outsourcing partner is a critical step towards successful DevOps outsourcing. A well-matched partner can not only align seamlessly with your organizational goals but also drive significant improvements in your development and operational processes. However, the selection process can be overwhelming given the myriad of factors that need to be considered. T

o aid in this crucial task, we have curated a comprehensive checklist that can guide you through the evaluation process. This checklist encapsulates key criteria ranging from technical expertise to legal and contractual clarity, ensuring a holistic assessment of potential outsourcing partners. By systematically evaluating each criterion, you can make a well-informed decision that positions your organization for a fruitful DevOps outsourcing engagement.

The following checklist serves as a pragmatic tool to ensure that the chosen partner aligns well with your organizational ethos, project requirements, and long-term strategic goals.



Evaluation (Yes/No/NA)

Technical Expertise

Does the partner have proven expertise in DevOps practices?


Industry Experience

Have they served clients in your industry or tackled similar challenges?


Communication Protocols

Are their communication protocols effective and compatible with your organization's?


Security Compliance

Do they comply with necessary security standards and regulations relevant to your industry?


References and Case Studies

Are they able to provide positive references or case studies demonstrating their success?


Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Do they offer clear SLAs to set expectations regarding quality, performance, and timelines?


Cost Transparency

Do they provide a transparent cost structure with no hidden fees?



Do they offer scalable solutions to accommodate your organization's growth?


Innovation and Continuous Improvement

Do they demonstrate a commitment to innovation and continuous improvement?


Cultural Fit

Is there a good cultural fit between your organization and the outsourcing partner?


Project Management Capabilities

Do they have robust project management processes and tools to ensure project success?


Knowledge Transfer Capabilities

Can they ensure a smooth knowledge transfer to your in-house team if required?


Exit Strategy

Do they have a clear and fair exit strategy to manage the transition if the relationship ends?


Legal and Contractual Clarity

Is there legal and contractual clarity to prevent disputes and ensure a smooth collaboration?


Response to Issues and Crisis Management

How do they respond to issues or crises? Do they have a well-defined incident management process?



Why You Should Choose Softjourn for DevOps

Softjourn, a global technology services provider, has been providing DevOps consulting to many of our clients for over a decade.

As an international company, we are very familiar with virtual software development. We have developed services and applications from the ground up, as well as augmented in-house staff when specialized knowledge or additional resources are needed. 

We know that, while effective communication isn’t rocket science, it does demand discipline and proactivity. We encourage this by outlining a communications plan at the beginning of every project, and are always available for meetings on an as-needed basis.

The Softjourn culture revolves around sharing knowledge and mentoring, which is exemplified in our mentorship program and guild meetings

Softjourn is a global technology services provider that develops custom solutions for our clients’ toughest challenges. We are headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, and have R&D Centers in Ukraine and Poland.

Our 200+ employees skillfully evaluate, identify, and plan innovative, creative solutions. We become a trusted partner by proactively collaborating on all design, build out, and deployment. 
Contact us to give life to your ideas!